Phillip Island Weather

Australia is a big continent with climate varying from area to area.

There are arid regions but also tropical regions.

Weather on Phillip Island is determined by it's location in the south east of Australia, which is classified as a temperate climate, i.e warm summers, cool winters.

For the daily Phillip Island weather forecast click here
Looking from the clifftop at Smiths Beach, Phillip Island, towards the sea and Cape Woolamai.

Glorious Phillip Island Weather

Remember being in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are opposite those in the northern hemisphere.

Summer is from December to February, Autumn from March to May, Winter from June to August and Spring from September to November.

Sea and wind influences play an important part in the daily weather.

Click here for my tips on What to Wear on Phillip Island

A southerly wind is usually cool to cold, even in summer.

This may make the southern beaches cooler than the northern beaches which are more protected.

Wind also affects waves. On the northern protected beaches waves are generally smaller - perhaps a factor in choosing which beach suits your children.

Conversely, when a warmer northerly wind blows, the southern coast is calmer.

Refer to the table below for average temperatures and rainfall for Phillip Island weather.

This information is from the weather station at Rhyll in the north east of the island.

Discover what you can do on Phillip Island during the Winter!

Fiery sunrise over Phillip Island.

Fiery Sunrise Over Phillip Island

Despite the summer averages appearing very comfortable, the island has recorded temperatures of over 40°C and is often around 30°C in summer.

If you have weather information for Melbourne, Victoria, summer temperatures on Phillip Island are generally 2°C-3°C cooler in summer but minimums tend to be 1°C-2°C warmer.

If you are visiting the nightly penguin parade be sure to bring a jacket, even in summer - sometimes the evening breeze off Bass Strait can be cool or cold.

Winter sunset from Woolamai Beach, Phillip Island.

Winter Sunset From Woolamai Beach

So if it’s lazing on the beach on a hot summer day or taking a bracing walk along a wintry windswept beach, you will love Phillip Island's weather!

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